Lately we've been kind of struggling because of Glenn's health issues. He's depressed about it too, and I just kind of feel like I've lost my best friend, we don't really have a lot of fun together as he's always tired or not feeling well or what have you. I was really thinking about it today, missing the fun, missing the team. And as I sat here to check emails, there was a notice about a new comment added to "Top 10 Reasons Why I Love YOU". I don't even remember writing that, and even double checked the address to be sure it wasn't some kind of spam thing taking me somewhere I didn't want to be. So I go here, to my blog, and yes, indeed it is a post I wrote. It was written in Sept. 2007, while my SuperHero was away at war, in Iraq. So then I think, "Oh, I guess I wrote out 10 reasons why I love Glenn." No,that is not what the list was at all!!! It was a list of the top 10 reasons GLENN gave for why he loves ME!! And reading through that list took my breath away! Those are the things he loves about me!! And I also realized that maybe, in this difficult time, I have let those things slip to the wayside. I don't laugh at his jokes because I'm tired and stressed, I'm not patient and gentle cuz I'm tired of waiting! God has surely blessed me this evening, with a reminder of who I am, what I need to be as a helpmeet to my Beloved. How I can help us both through this tough time. Wow!! I was just going to leave a comment at that post, but it's too important to be kept hidden way back in the archives of this blog, so here is this list again:
Many of the things I thought bothered him about me, he has turned a different light on and are thankful for them. I couldn't help thinking it was more of a thanksgiving list to God than a love note to me. Many of you have known us for a long time, so I am sharing this so you can get a further glimpse of the great miracle God has wrought in our marriage....
Top 10 Reasons Why I Love YOU......
1. You laugh at my silly jokes, you have a great sense of humor.
2. You are very sensitive, you have the biggest heart of anyone I have every known.
3. You are unselfish, you give of yourself and don't like saying "no" to anyone.
4. You are kind and gentile, you have a spirit greater than any queen, princess, or royalty.
5. I love your elegant manners, you are never rude or crass.
6. You are not impulsive, you think about every aspect of a decision.
7. I love the mischievous side of you, it can be very fun.
8. You are slow to change, but have accepted coffee in, so I know you love me.
9. You love to be surprised in life, you enjoy the simple beauty in things.
10. You are artistic and very imaginative, you see the good that is in everything.